How to cut the snowflakes out of paper. Photos, advice and tips. An example of how to make a template for the snowflakes.

Only the author's graphics, photos and ideas!!! No plagiarism!
How to cut the snowflakes. How to make a snowflake. Of paper.

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Back in New Year's and Christmas workshop.
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in New Year!
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Recommendations from Hope (photos and text)
in Alexander Babushkin (odi) New Year's and Christmas workshop.

LOOK ALSO PART ONE - How to cut snowflakes out of napkins.

snowflake a sample

Snowflake sample.

A sample of the snowflakes.
paper snowflakes technology

1 (10). Snowflake of a standard A4 paper sheet. Fold a sheet of paper.

Paper snowflakes technology.
Bend a sheet of paper for the second time

2 (11). Bend a paper sheet for the second time.

The process of making paper snowflakes.
To make a snowflake

3 (12). Bend a paper sheet for the third time.

To make a snowflake.
paper sheet can be folded more times

4 (13). Bend a paper sheet for the fourth time.
We were not able to bend a greater number of times.
But bend the greater the number of times it is theoretically possible.

A paper sheet can be folded more times.  
Example for make snowflakes

5 (14). We liked the snowflakes sample number 896 from the Wilson Bentley collection.
We copied and printed out the snowflakes sample.
Cut segment from a printed sample.
Now cut out the contours of a segment of the snowflakes.

Example for make snowflakes.
Cut out the outline of a printed of the snowflakes sample

6 (15). Cut out the outline of a printed of the snowflakes sample.

Snowflakes for the New Year holiday.  
шаблоны снежинок

7 (16). Outline the path of the template on the folded paper sheet.

для наклейки на окна
для новогоднего оформления

8 (17). В сложенном виде снежинка выглядит так.

для новогоднего оформления
готовая снежинка
18. А в развёрнутом – так.
готовая снежинка
вырезание снежинок из салфетки и бумаги

17. А вот так она выглядела на фото Wilson Bentley:

шаблоны для вырезания

Ну, отдалённо даже похоже. Надо было не побояться вырезы поглубже сделать.
Далее – полный простор для творчества. Основные принципы думаю, понятны.

по трафарету

New Year's recommendations from Nadya ( photos and text )
в Новогодней мастерской Александра Бабушкина ( odi )